Monday, November 06, 2006

APARTHEID, Nelson Mandela and the misery of African Man

To be ignorant of what occurred before you were born
Is to remain for ever a child

If is true that Nelson Mandela did indeed “rendu homage à P.W.Botha” – Le Figaro 01/11/06, then the explanation for this will not be found in the “respect for the dead” or to “foster national reconciliation” –Mail & Guardian South Africa Editorial a propos of the shameful government’s offer of a state funeral for PW Botha -

The explanation for this bizarre homage will be found and should be found in the eternal lack of memory of the African man, even in those we have moral obligation of memory.

Without memory there is no history, but Apartheid is not even history yet; it is the present of millions.

P.W.Botha was a criminal and an admirer of German Nazi, as almost all authors of Apartheid. That he was forced to hand out power, because he knew that if he “wanted things to stay as they were, things would have to change” or, his death, is completely irrelevant.

That this criminal was not judged and punished during is life time tells us only about the weakness of those the power were handed. And it is once more the confirmation (if confirmation were needed) that” power is not given, is taken”.

That Nelson Mandela did agree with that circus called “tribunal for true and reconciliation” where small players of apartheid did go and cried and were given forgiveness by the bishop, one can understand that he had, maybe, no other alternative.

The big fishes and criminals of apartheid would never have accepted to surrender power peacefully without receiving in exchange complete immunity for their crimes against the” inferior race”.

That Nelson Mandela and ANC did keep their word means only that they were weak and that they have no memory, or both. And a strange lack of memory seems to affect Nelson Mandela.

We do have reasons to believe that Nelson Mandela lack of memory has nothing to do with age but rather with what seems this eternal and childish attitude of African man to forget and forgive the most appalling crimes committed against him: colonization, slave trade, apartheid- we forget everything and we forgive everything.

Maybe someone should tell this semi African god that although all African man should be grateful for his fight against apartheid, he has no legitimacy (precisely for what he became) to forget and forgive.
Otherwise he is not being a good a Christian; he is committing an act of treason against those we were less lucky than him in the fight against apartheid; those brothers and sisters that were killed, maimed, made to disappear; he is committing an act of treason against the south African people condemned for so long by P.W.Bother and others architects of apartheid and admirers of Hitler to live a life of inferiority because they were…not white.

He is committing an act of treason against Cuba and those extraordinary Cubans that defeated the apartheid army in Angola and Namibia, helping “to convince” P.W.Botha that the game was over.

If is indeed true that Nelson Mandela did pay homage to P.W.Botha, he and the South African Government( for offering a state funeral to P.W.Botha) should apologize for this shameful and treachery act.

Never forget, Never forgive is the least that those we were lucky in the fight against the evil, owe those we were less lucky to see the light.
Azibo Abebe


Blogger Unknown said...

well I think that someone has to forgive because otherwise we would never stop killing eachother, we would turn in a vicious circle. after me, forgiving is not a sign of weakness but of strengh.

8:37 AM  

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