Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Shame On Them

The African Elite (political, intellectual, militar etc...) is probably on of the worst in all history of mankind.This's an evidence that we don't need to prove more than one need to prove how much is 2 plus 2.
Yes, we were colonized and enslaved during centuries.
Africa was dominated, raped and divided. But colonization, slave trade, delapidation of Africa resources was only possible -and it is more than overdue that we star to admit it-because the African Elite of the time were weak, weak and weak. As the African Elite of our days.
In life, the most important principle of capitalism says, to be weak is to be guilty.
One doesn't need to agree and one ought not to agree with this barbarian principle (capitalism is barbarism) to know that, weakness is not a valid historical argument.
If History is about results then the results of action of our elites (past and present) are not very far from nil.
If we are going to change-because change we must-Africa, then we need to star to admit these evidences and start to think what kind of the elite Africa needs and how to destroy this band of criminals that has been committing treason against Africa, against African people for centuries.

It comes as no surprise that this elite stands accused of: Treason, Corruption, Incompetence, Indeference, Insensibilty and Alienation.

We say then: SHAME ON THEM.

But one must try not to be naive. These people know no shame.
Nevertheless, we are convinced that by shaming and naming them, by exposing them, by exposing their European and American counterparts in the flourishing business of corruption and delapidation of Africa resources, by exposing their ridiculousness, their pompousness, we are, we hope giving voice to our people and to help promoting radical change .

Dear brother or sister, if you have any information that will help us to expose these band that has been pretending that they are governing in our name while they enriching themselves, their families and their European and American friends, please contact us at africaradicalvoice@yahoo.com

Azibo Abebe


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