Sunday, October 29, 2006

United Nations, Kofi Annan and The Pity of It All

If something good can come out of a war, United Nations is certainly the best example de tirer du mal même un bien.

To save succeeding generations from the scourge of war it's United Nations main goal and she's has been failing on that since 1945.

Kofy Annan is the seventh Secretary-General of the United Nations and the first African to be elected and is certainly by far the most incompetent Secretary General in the history of the Organization.

It is true.The Secretary General of the United Nations has no army, no money (that comes from the main enemy of United Nations-the government of United States) but he is not the Queen of England either.

The Secretary General of The UN has huge influence that is essentially a product of what every body-even those who administer the empire- can easily see:his impartiality.

The Secretary General is interested in The Peoples of United Nations,peoples of the empire included.

That a Secretary General of United Nations will seat and do nothing while peoples of United Nations (Irak,Lebanon,Palestine) are being killed,colonized,humilated,raped,denied their basic human rights invites pessimism.

That this Secretary General is an African and therefore someone with moral duty to be against any form of colonization,any form of racism - and is not possible to understand the policy of the empire towards the Arabs whithout admiting the obvious:It is a policy based on Racism -that this Secretary General does not act against this, invites suicide.

They(the administrators of the american empire and their friends) consider the Arabs has half human beings, they despised the arabs.They have the same attitude that the French,British,Portuguese colonial elite used to have towards ...Mr kofy Annan ancestors.

And still have at close doors.

What a Pity!Mr Kofy Annan intervention would not have impeded the american invasion of Irak and the subsequent crimes against the innocent people of Irak,neither his intervention would have stopped the american dog in the middle east in invading and raping Lebanon, but his intervention would have saved the honour of African man in the Arab world,where we are, as everywhere, despised.

His intervention, and by intervention I do not mean evasive diplomatic language or useless trips to Israel but a strong "BASTA!",would have sent a very powerfull message of hope to the Arab world and to all those who are figthing against injustice.

Had Mr Kofy Annan being little more a General and less a secretary he would have probably chosen to resign by now and had he had courage to do it, he would have probably done more against racism,colonialism than all the speechs,conferences,manifestations produced during his life time.

But an act of moral courage is impossible from such a man.

If there was a conspiracy to prove that black man is incomptent,lazy, coward,without any leadership skills, it would not have been possible to find a better example than the present Secretary General of United Nations.

Other aspect very disturbing of this lost oppotunity is the almost complete absence of criticism of Mr Koffy Annan.

Certainly racism au contraire has something to do with it, were Mr Annan Swedish, the criticis would have been numerous and much more implacable. Criticism about his role(negligence at best) during the genocide in Rwanda would certainly have forced him to resign in disgrace.

But what is really sad and tragic is absence of criticism from Africans and Afro-americans.
It is as if one of our brother or sister is in position of power,what is important is to be THERE.
That he or she (Colin Powell or Condoleezza Rice, for example) can by their action be directly involved in criminal policies responsible for the death of thousands of our brothers and sisters in the Arab world,that he or she can by his inaction (the present Secretary of the United nations) be responsible for doing nothing to prevent those criminal policies, does not matter.

What is important is that the brother or the sister is in the power or in the office. As almost always in our history, what is important is the form not the susbstance.Nowdays, the colour of skin is much important than the man.

What a pity that those who are from the people that suffer the most from racism,colonization did not learn nothing from History and prefer today to play the role of executioners.

No one never told the present "Secretary General" of the United Nations that he was elected to defend the Charter of the United Nations and that the Charter of the UN is much important important than the constitution of the empire.

From the Charter of the UN depend the happiness of The Peoples of The World; from the constitution of the empire, only the greedy of the few.The moral choice to be done is not so difficult.

Africa, once more lost (through one of his son) a Rendez Vous with History.

What a shame!What a pity!What a lost opportunity!

Azibo A.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Shame On Mr Wade and Mr Ousmane Ngom

A spectre is haunting Europe and all the powers of old Europe have entered into a holy alliance to exorcise this spectre: Spain, Portugal, France, and Italy. No. The spectre is not communism. It is Immigration. Europe is afraid. The barbarians are at the gate: our women and children are in danger, they say at closed doors. And they smell, as le petit grand French President (Jacques Chirac) said and certainly all his colleagues agree.
African Elite, dumb as always, doesn't realize what stupendous power this mass of poor, desesparete and hungry people represent.
Europe is afraid and as always they do while dealing with morally bankrupt African elite, they buy cheap as always.
It is only within this long tradition of African elite treachery, corruption that one can understand that African Governments will accept to receive one of the most racist and dangerous member of the French Government:Mr Sarkozy.
Mr Sarkozy and those who support him in his party are much more dangerous than Mr Le Pen and FN.
Mr Le Pen will never be President of France and he knows it. Mr Sarkozy, as ministre d'intérieur et président de l’UMP (majority party in the French parliament) is one of the most powerful member of government and a serious presidential candidate. But even he if he fails - as we do hope-in his ambition to become French President, as ministre de l'intérieur he has been systematically humiliating(by words and action) those who managed to escape the misery that Sarkozy ancestor's(the French elite at the time of French colonization and slave trade) gave them in inheritance; the misery that the policies(Liberalism) of Mr Sarkozy and his party aggravates; the misery that an incompetent and corrupt African elite(friends of Mr Sarkozy) are incapable of destroying.
How is it possible that such a man will be received in Africa?
How much further can our leaders sink? Is there no limit to their treachery, moral cowardice and stupidity?
Stupidity can maybe explain it. Were they(the African elite) little more clever, they would know by now that those mass of people that the Europe are afraid of, are an excellent argument to, if not to destroy the capitalism(IMF,World Bank are, maybe, too powerful for Africa), but to change drastically the rules of game(commerce etc...) between Africa and Europe. And by changing the rules of the game the African elite will gain much more than the peanuts that European ministers are giving them.They will gain DIGNITY and they will defend DIGNITY of the African people. But that there is such thing call Dignity and that without it the life of a man is worthless, is something that African elite forgot long ago. Maybe after the arrival of Vasco Da Gama. That there is something call Dignity of African Man, Dignity of Senegalese man and women is something that Mr Wade(President of Senegal) and Mr Ousmane Ngom (Ministre de l'intérieur de Senegal) ignore.
Otherwise, How could they sign an "accord sur l'imigration" withMr Sarkozy?

Shame on you, Mr Wade.Shame on you, Mr Ngom.

Azibo Abebe

Note: The African People are Le Proletariat of the modern times.Le Proletariat can be an extraordinary force for changement, for Radical Changement. Maybe the spectre that is haunting Europe is not only immigration. Maybe...Socialism is not dead. Maybe that will be the contribution of The African Civilization to the rich barbarians.

Oh! My God, if only our elite were not so...coward.

Azibo Abebe

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Shame On Them

The African Elite (political, intellectual, militar etc...) is probably on of the worst in all history of mankind.This's an evidence that we don't need to prove more than one need to prove how much is 2 plus 2.
Yes, we were colonized and enslaved during centuries.
Africa was dominated, raped and divided. But colonization, slave trade, delapidation of Africa resources was only possible -and it is more than overdue that we star to admit it-because the African Elite of the time were weak, weak and weak. As the African Elite of our days.
In life, the most important principle of capitalism says, to be weak is to be guilty.
One doesn't need to agree and one ought not to agree with this barbarian principle (capitalism is barbarism) to know that, weakness is not a valid historical argument.
If History is about results then the results of action of our elites (past and present) are not very far from nil.
If we are going to change-because change we must-Africa, then we need to star to admit these evidences and start to think what kind of the elite Africa needs and how to destroy this band of criminals that has been committing treason against Africa, against African people for centuries.

It comes as no surprise that this elite stands accused of: Treason, Corruption, Incompetence, Indeference, Insensibilty and Alienation.

We say then: SHAME ON THEM.

But one must try not to be naive. These people know no shame.
Nevertheless, we are convinced that by shaming and naming them, by exposing them, by exposing their European and American counterparts in the flourishing business of corruption and delapidation of Africa resources, by exposing their ridiculousness, their pompousness, we are, we hope giving voice to our people and to help promoting radical change .

Dear brother or sister, if you have any information that will help us to expose these band that has been pretending that they are governing in our name while they enriching themselves, their families and their European and American friends, please contact us at

Azibo Abebe